Saturday 23 March 2013

Teenage Bag Essentials

Sunday, 24th March 2013                                                  
      Teenage Girl Bag Essentials

Cuticura Anti Bacterial Hand Gel Passion Flower and Mango 100ml
Carex Moisture Plus Hand Gel 50ml
Smint Single 8G

Anna Sui Compact hair Brush

Colgate Wisp Portable Whitening Mini Brush, Peppermint
Eos Lip Balm

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Vampire's Slave

Wednesday, 20th March 2013                                                                      

Vampire's Slave         

I never knew it was my destiny to become one of them, I never knew how much I would want to become them. Until I met him. I guess your wondering what am I going on about? I guess I will start from when I was sold to Hale as a slave.

I was thrown roughly to the floor, a subtle dust cloud rising around me. The slave auction guards glared at me before slamming the wooden door shut. Darkness swallowed everything. I could hear them- I could hear the small children sobbing softly to one another. The vampires these days were rougher than ever. More and more slaves were being killed every day. My heart dropped as I thought about it. I heard that if they kept going this way...

The carriage ride was dead silence until we finally pulled up to the castle.Hale  never stopped studying me with this weird glint in his eyes. The carriage pulled to a stop and he ripped me out by my hair. I was dragged across the pavement, the rough surface ripping up my skin. 

But as a slave, it was better not to react to this. 

I'd had worse. This pavement was nothing. It just... Stung. I felt my skin being ripped up along the rough stones. It hurt a little more than I thought it would, but oh well. I'm just a useless slave, right?

'No...' A voice whispered in my head. My voice. 'I'm worth much more than this... Higher purpose...'

That was always floating around my mind these days. Higher purpose. Like I had something super important to do. Whatever, right now that was obeying Hale and not dying. He dragged me quicker, probably hoping to hear me scream in pain. My lips stayed shut, not a single sound coming from them. Hale picked my up by my hair and opened the door to the giant castle, then threw me to the ground inside. The room was carpeted, thank God, and had couches and a small table set up to the side. A staircase stood on the other side of the room, along with two doorways, one leading to a hallway, another leading to some kind of study, I think. 

The king, I believe, quickly walked into the room, "Hale! Please, you've gone through so many slaves, can't you try to be kind? These traits will-"

"Help me be king, yeah, I know."

Hale so boldly cut off the gentle, sturdy voice of his father, the king himself... It sent a sliver of fear through my heart.Hale had no soul, heart, or thought for anyone except himself. I saw it in him, his body seeming to radiate with black... Darkness... I tried to crawl away from him, slowly.

"stay still," he spat at me. I froze immediately.

"Son. Now I'm telling you," the king's voice wasn't gentle and patient anymore. It was thunderous and angry, "You will learn to take care of your slaves, or this will be your last one and you will never see the throne."

"What?! You can't be serious!"

"If she ends up dead," the king glanced at me, "then you'll see how serious I am. Now take care of her."

Hale glared daggers at me as the king strode off to another room. I didn't want to be alone, not with Hale ... Anyone but him right now...

"If I don't get the throne, it's all your fault!" He grabbed my neck and crushed it in his grip, but I made sure I showed no signs of suffication or pain. Not as easy as it looks.

"Useless filth! What good are you? You'll do nothing but cause trouble, because my father can't see that slaves are worthless wastes of life!"Hale dropped me and stormed off down the hall. I laid there in the living room, coughing faintly. A maid came running in there, looking like she just saw me get hit by a carriage.

"Oh my, you poor thing! Can you stand?"

I slowly crawled to my feet, my whole body stinging and aching. She stared at me with sorrow in her eyes.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," the maid helped me down the hallway to a dark brown wooden door. She pushed it open and I gazed around at the marble bathroom. I was afraid I'd slip in here. 

"I'm Anne, by the way," the maid started running the hot water.

"H-hello..." My voice was hoarse from Hale's death grip.

"Oh, poor dear. Don't speak if it hurts."

I nodded and smiled. At least the maids here were nice.

Maids are different than slaves. They get paid and are treated more like an actual person. They're usually only vampires, but sometimes a human is a maid.

Anne checked the water, and pulled out a couple towels and a set of clothes from the cabinet, dropping them on the counter. She smiled at me, "Take as long as you need. It's gonna be fine, honey."

Her eyes twinkled... With sadness. She knew her words weren't true. Wow, is this karma for lieing to the little boy...

Anne left, leaving me alone. I locked the door and took off the stupid **** dress. I looked at my skin, disgusted at how much dirt covered me. It sucked being in the auction stalls, it was a personal hell. I sighed and climbed into the water, cringing at the temperature. The dirt came off my skin immediately. I got used to the water and sank into it, letting it come up to my neck. There was a sponge, soap and shampoo on the corner of the tub, and I grabbed the shampoo bottle after soaking my hair. I made sure I had no dirt on me at all when I was done, and finally saw my pale skin for the first time in weeks, months even. It felt good to be clean again. I pulled the plug on the bath and got out, wrapping one towel around myself and using the other to dry my hair. Someone started pounding on the door, I thought it was going to break.

"Get out of there already!"

Hale's voice was full of irritation. A needle of fear stabbed at me, so I dried off and threw on the clothes as fast as I could, a black v-neck t-shirt and dark blue jeans with black socks. I dried my hair as best as I could, and looked in the mirror to see my black and white hair. I was considered rare for having salt and pepper hair and light blue eyes. Sighing, I ran to the door and unlocked it, ripping it open and bowing my head.

Hale growled, "You're such a nuisance. What's your name?"

My throat still hurt, so I didn't reply right away.

"Answer me-"

"I don't have a name."

Silence separated us for a few seconds until a hand gripped my hair and I was thrown to the floor.

"Don't lie to me, what's your name?"

Pain is satisfaction for these kind of masters, so I made sure my face was blank and neutral, "I. Don't have. A name."

"Ugh," frustration written on his face,Hale grabbed my wrist and made me stand, dragging me through the hallway. His grip on my wrist was crushing it to the point where I thought it might break. We went into the room the king had disappeared into, and he sat there reading a book.

"She says she doesn't have a name. Why?"

The king sighed, "If you would have payed attention to lessons on slaves, you would know that they don't normally get names because they either get auctioned again or killed. I'm surprised you even asked this one." He got up and strolled off to another room,Hale following him and dragging me along like a dog. 

We entered a giant library with books in shelves from the floor to the huge ceiling, lining all the walls. It was awesome.

Hale followed his father down a stairway and stopped at an oak table, watching him go to a book shelf and pull out a thick leather bound book. He came back and dropped it on the table.

"Pick a name from this book. There's every name known in here."

I was intrigued. I was getting a name? Happiness sprouted in me like a flower.

Hale flipped the book open and looked at me, "Come here and pick something. I'm guessing you're too stupid to know how to read."

Actually, I did know how to read. A maid from another master taught me how to secretly. I looked through the book and flipped through to the D's, scanning the pages until I found one that sounded right to me.

"This one."

An eyebrow raised,Hale stared at the name I picked, "Delmira?"

I nodded.

"Pft, pretty bad meaning for someone as useless as you. Noble protector?"Hale chuckled as he read the meaning.

Slaves aren't supposed to speak unless spoken to, so I shrugged and stared at the name. It just... Sounded right.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hale turn his head and stare at me. I met his gaze, blank and distant as I do with all my masters. He pursed his lips and knit his brows,

"Why don't you show fear?"

"Why should I?"

"Don't answer a question with a question."

I sighed. This man, no, this boy, was going to be the biggest test of my patience, "I'm going to die one day, why should I be afraid of who ends it? Why should I live every moment, fearing every last breath as though it were my last? I can't imagine living like some frightened pup, even if I am just a dispensable toy for you."

He seemed shocked by my response, the king chuckling next to him, "Son, you picked a fiesty one."

Still in shock,Hale glanced at his father and back to me, staring into my eyes like he was looking for any hint of fear. I wasn't providing him satisfaction by cowering like every other slave. Pft, the day I do that will be the day I die.

"Delmira... Is this your final choice?" The king smiled at me.

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Please, call me Andren."

I blinked. He was allowing me to call him by his name? "Okay... Andren..."

"Take care of her, boy. This is your last chance," Andren glowered at Xavier and strode back into the study.

He looked at me with hatred, eyes full of scorn and distaste, "You stupid ugh  You've ruined everything."

My eyebrow raised skeptically before I could control it, and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well? Aren't you going to defend yourself, if you're not afraid of dying?" A wry, crooked grin cracked his lips.

I merely tilted my head away from him and pointed my chin up, I had no words for a leech like him.

A growl escaped his throat as he barreled past me, almost knocking me over. For a prince, he's got rubish manners. I regained my balance and looked around the library, admiring the rows and rows of books. Nothing put me at ease more than reading. I scanned the shelves for a book that caught my interest, and finally found something: The Vampire Body and History.

The book was huge, at least 700 pages thick. I struggled to hold it and bring it to the table, then sat and flipped to the first page. A human looking being with sharp canines was painted on the paper. Its face was hidden by a mass of rather silky looking black hair, muscles evenly toned and strong. Underneath it read, "The Vampire."

The second page was about a vampire's characteristics and habits. 

"Vampires hide their true selves by pulling their fangs back into their gums. They look human in every way, with exceptional features that most humans come to adore. Their eyes can change from any human color to red, orange, yellow, or silver when hungry. Their organs are made of a fiber twenty times stronger than a human's, making them more difficult to kill. This also means that their muscles can manage more than a human's, so they're extremely fast and strong. There's no melanin in their skin, causing them to burn easily in sunlight. Vampires rely on blood to live because a vampire's body doesn't create enough blood or nutrients on it's own. Their sense of smell and hearing is sharpened, causing them to be sensitive to strong oders like garlic and high frequencies."

Interesting. I flipped through the pages, skimming lines about wars between the vampires and the humans, different blood types' effects on vampires, special skills some can have like mind reading or memory erasing, and landed on one chapter called "Mix Breed Vampires".

"Vampires can mate with a variety of creatures, including witches, demons, warlocks, fallen angels, regular angels, mermaids, lycans, and humans. The product usually has the combined power of its parents, but can have smaller fangs depending on the creature. Many mix breeds almost caused the fall of the great vampire empire created by Rivican II."

"Who are you?" 

My head snapped up at the sound of a woman's voice. A tall, crimson haired woman with deep blue eyes and milk white skin stared at me.

"I'm the new slave."

She looked a bit surprised that I spoke so calmly, "Oh? So you're the new slave Hale bought, Delmira? I've been told you're very opinionated."

I nodded.

"I'm Asyra, you've met my husband, Andren?"

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Dear, you can call us by our names."

I smiled, "Okay."

"What are you reading?"

"Uh... 'The Vampire Body and History'? Should I not be reading this...?"

"Oh no, it's fine. Come, let me show you to your room."

"Thank you, Asyra." Why couldn't Xavier be as nice as his parents? No wonder they ruled the vampire kingdom.

edited by Cristina Moran

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Friday 15 March 2013

How To Look Like Julie From Warm Bodies

Friday,15th March, 2013                                    

First The face                    

1.Brush up on your skincare regimen. Bathe your face in milk and cold water on a morning to awaken you, use a gentle wash too, use a Salicylic Acid wash nightly and use a Benzoyl Peroxide or Zinc cream. Exfoliate with sugar and a exfoliant twice weekly, and do the same with a mask.

2.Wear foundation one shade lighter than your skin tone for a sheer look, and finish it with a liquid concealer. Primer is not nessecary, but you can powder, if you can't bear not to, but ensure it is non-comodegenic and won't look cakey.

3.Julie has slight bags under her eyes, but they are minimal, so don't cover them, just brighten them with a liquid eyelid colour (make sure it's a flesh colour) or primer.

4.Don't bother with your eyebrows. If they are very dark, however, fill them in with a brown eyebrow pencil, as, although Julie's brows are unplucked, they are a beautiful beige colour. If necessary, you can shape them, but that is all you should do.

5.Julie has beautiful, icy blue eyes, which can be achieved with contact lenses. If you have naturally blue eyes, you can, of course, skip this step, but, if not, it is necessary to do if you long for this zombie lover's exact look.

6.Apply a soft grey colour to your lids, so little it looks "barely there". Blend it in, and be sure to have moisturised your eyelids (and the rest of your skin) before performing any of these steps. After this, use a beige mascara, brushing out any clumps with a eyelash tool.

7.If you have an oval face, sweep bronzer or a dark powder in a 3 shape from forehead to cheekbone to chin, whereas for a round shape, bronzer can contour if applied at the temples and the jaw line. Research bronzer for different face shapes, and be sure to apply some, as Julie has a warm glow to her skin. Avoid blusher, even if it's just used to contour. I mean, this girl hangs with pale zombies!

8.Apply a colourless balm to your lips and leave it at that. Although Julie's lips aren't chapped, they certainly aren't bright, and look beautiful in their natural state.

9.Invest in a dirty blonde hair colouring, assuring it is wash off. Get Julie's tousled look by letting your hair air-dry, straightening it and then using the straightener creating loose curls at the bottom. Be sure to spray with hairspray afterwards, which promises to give your hair that healthy sheen Julie's has.

Friday 1 March 2013

Februarys Best Products

Friday, 1st March 2013                                                                        

Februarys Best Products

Best Spot cream  

Best Cleanser

Best Foundation

Best Blusher

Best Eyeshadow

Best lipstick

Best Eyeliner 

Best Mascara

Best Facial Set