Monday 10 March 2014


Spring, isn't it wonderful. It's basically saying " hey I'm your summer advent calendar" you get the wonderful treat of sun! Some of you from Dubai, Egypt and Australia must be thinking, "what"! But the thing is I come from England where every morning you are woken up by big blankets of cold, the mornings where you have to quickly put on those slippers before your feet turn into ice! England where the sky is grey. We don't get swimming pools or beaches, just ginormous floods! And now finally something new, the time when the flowers bloom, when the birds tweet and when the sky is blue! It's so exciting I had to just quickly blog about it. I've already walked the dog, cycled had a barbecue and been to the park and it's only the second day of sun. There so much more to write about but maybe I'll leave it for another day and another blog. Happy Spring!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Mango and Passion Fruit juice recipe

Saturday, 22 February, 2014

Mango and Passion fruit juice 
I have been absolutely loving the Starbucks mango and passion fruit juice blend. I just wish the price was a bit lower. But now theres no need! I have discovered the secret recipe for this delicious juice!


  • 1 1/2 Mango (peeled and chopped)
  • 2 passion fruits ( peeled and seeds scooped out)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 3 teaspoons of normal sugar
  • 1/8 cup of coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup of ice

First get your fruit blender or if you don't own one just a normal blender. Peel your mango and chop it in to cubes.  Place the 1 and a half peeled and cubed mango into the blender with a 1/4 cup of water. Blend these together in the highest setting until the mango is smooth and pure. Then add a 1/4 cup of ice into the blender and place on the highest setting. Add the coconut when the ice is fully granulated and smooth. Peel the passion fruits and empty the seeds and juice into the blender, add this into the blender. Once again blend on the highest setting till it looks like the image above. Add in the rest of the ice and blend until the mixture is smooth. Then add all the honey and blend! After the honey has been blended add the normal sugar. Blend the normal sugar until the mixture is pure and smooth like the image above. taste the mixture to see if it needs any thing else. Pour into glasses and enjoy!

Please share this recipe with friends and if you have any comments or items that could be added to make a even more splendid juice! Please contact me on this email address:

Friday 30 August 2013


LOVE, What is it I mean so many people talk about it but how do you know if it's happening to you or a friend? It's difficult I mean what happens if your friend's love life means you never get to hang out? Or you're friends dating your ex, these things are really difficult. I mean love can be such a wonderful thing but also the worst. I had a boyfriend who broke up with me them asked 4 girls out in the same week! I mean that love was messed up. How do I know if I can trust love again? I mean its a big step and I'm scared of getting hurt again... How would you feel? Love week comes soon next week where I will talk about my problems and yours and what the true meaning of LOVE is.


Thursday 29 August 2013

Bad Gal Lash Plum Review

Thursday, 29th August 2013

Bad Gal Lash Plum Review

  • Buy again: Yes
  • Package Quality: 5
  • Price: Needs to be cheaper!
  • Amount: Loads

My eyelashes are very short and black. They are not curly or anything there really rubbish. I really want this mascara to curl my lashes and make them look longer without giving them a fake effect like Benefit's other product They're Real Mascara.


The mascara was Really easy to apply and gave me the lashes I wanted. My lashes look longer and stronger! They also look curlier I will definitely buy this again!

Fake It Up By Benefit Review

Thursday, 29th August 2013

Fake It Up By Benefit Review

Hello! It's nearly the end of summer so I thought I'd do a couple of reviews on y summer products so to start off I'll be doing a review on My Fake It Up concealer by Benefit!

  • Buy again: Yes
  • Package Quality: 5
  • Price: 4/5
  • Amount: Little


As you can see I have very big dark circles. My eyes are puffy and redness. These are all things I'm hoping my Concealer will get rid of. Considering the price it definitely should! The redness in the middle is where I got sunburnt!

Applying the concealer...

It is really easy to apply. It has a nice grip and is not difficult to turn. The concealer also moisturises your eyes this reduced the puffiness and redness of my eyes! I also put the concealer over my eyelid as well as my dark circles to give it a more natural look.


The redness has completely disappeared! My dark circles are no more! I am so pleased with this product! I will definitely buy it again. The only bad thing is the amount and price there is only a small amount in the package and a large price. The veins on my eyelids also disappeared this product is very pleasing. I totally recommend buying it!


Building you're inner confidence

Thursday 29th August 2013

Building Your Inner Confidence

A lot of teens struggle to find confidence. It can stop them from being brilliant! Not having confidence can be the worst thing ever. I'm going to help you guys get your confidence back!


1.Make yourself happier at home. Talk with friends and do fun stuff for a while until you can't keep that happiness bottled and need to let it out.

2.Start at school by making sure your head does not lower and your hair does not go in front of your face like a cover. Keep hair off your face, put that hood off your head, and wear bright cheery approachable colors like orange and green and walk with pride!

3.Make eye contact. If you cannot do that, look at their shoulder or something near their eyes.

4.Don't hide! It'll make you seem like you don't want to talk. Don't be shy stand up for what you believe in!

5.Smile or laugh at jokes, this makes you more noticeable. Tell some too. I love smiling and doctors say less muscles are used smiling than frowning so there it is smiling is healthier than frowning!

6.Smile a lot. Its better when someone looks around and sees this bright happy person with a beautiful smile than just not noticing you in the background.

7.Don't be phony. Keep the friends you have as your friends. You don't want to push them away and then not be accepted by others.

8.Be who you are! Be yourself. Don't be who you aren't. Never pretend to be the person you want to be.

9.Take risks! You only get one life! Work hard at your goals, laugh a lot, love everyone you can and trust yourself. Make a point to do something that you have wanted to do but also scares you. It might be hard at first, but the more you do it, the more proud of your self you become. That's how you become confident.

Things to Do

1. star-gaze on a trampoline/from your roof/on a dock 

2. go to an amusement park and ride EVERYTHING 

3. throw a pool party and then only have a kiddie pool for everyone to sit in 

4. go to a music festival and meet a famous person 

5. create a treasure hunt for someone. rip a page from a library book and replace it with a clue with a location on it. the next location have another clue, etc. Put the page at the end of the hunt. (can also be done other ways, that's just an example) 

6. get something pierced (could be anything from ears to something painful. make sure your parents okay it first and you go somewhere to get it done. doing it yourself or having a friend who is not experienced do it is a really bad idea, I can't stress it enough) 

7. kiss an unsuspecting guy,My guy's in England :( 

The Great Crissie Compliment Swap!
This campaign gets readers to send compliments to each
other! I will receive a ton of compliments from you guys, and then i'll past them on to other readers who've taken part in the swap. So everyone that enters will receive a compliment from another reader!

Email a random compliment to remembering to include your name. Remember to type compliment swap in the subject of the email.

 Think about the stuff you'd love to hear, and pass it along! Make someone's day! Use your'e imagination and come up with a compliment that's really memorable. The best compliment will win our beauty competition!

The only information that we'll share with the other person who receives your compliment is you're first name. A prize will be shown each day. There will be 7 prizes!

The competition and compliment swap finishes on the 1st of September. 

1st prize.Win a they're real benefit mascara with the Great Crissie Compliment Swap!

2nd Prize. Win a MUA Undress Me Too Eye Palette with The Great Crissie Compliment Swap!

3. Eos Egg

Thanks for reading don't forget to join in the fun! Send in your questions, give people compliments and join the crissie compliment swap!