Monday 26 August 2013

Your'e Beautiful!

Monday, 26th August 2013

How To Enhance Your'e Beauty And Looks

Ever wanted to become more natural and see how beautiful you really are? Here's how to enhance your natural beauty. All these will lead to a healthy mind, and therefore a healthy and beautiful body/face. That's why todays theme is how to enhance you're beauty and looks.

1.Clear up your skin. Pick products made for your skin type. Wash your face no more than two times a day; in the morning and before you go to bed. Be gentle.  Don't ever sleep with your make-up on. After washing your face use a good moisturiser.

2.Keep yourself properly groomed. Wash your hair as often as needed. I wash it twice a week sunday and thursday. It is also very good to get a good hair mask. Don't let it get greasy. Use deodorant. Moisturize your skin daily. It's best to do this after you shower because your skin is still damp and the lotion will soak in easily.

3.Fix up your hair. When getting your hair cut, make sure you know exactly what you want. If you're not sure then ask your hairdresser for a cut that will go with your face shape. Don't dye your hair; keep it natural. Don't spend a ton of time styling your hair. The whole point is to bring out your natural beauty. Find a way to rock your natural style.

4.Do one thing for yourself everyday! Make yourself do it. It's the ultimate act of self-respect.Soak in the bubble bath or read an inspiring book. These little pleasures allow you to feel special.

5.Project your beauty.Feel good, feel pretty and that's what the world will see.If you feel ugly,that's what people will see. Try to look as good as you can.There are ways to live in beauty without being obsessive about it.

6.Find supportive friends. What people say, whether intentional or not, make us feel good or bad about ourselves. Look for people who make you feel good when you're down. This person will give you compliments. If you've done something different or if you're wearing something new, they will notice it. Keep these compliments and they will build your self esteem.

7.Tell yourself you're beautiful. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Remember, you can't please everyone nor should you try. No one else's opinion of you matters but your own. You are beautiful just the way you are, so tell yourself that evey chance you get until you believe it. Hope this helps, stay beautiful!

Things to do

Jar of moments

- Get a empty jar

- Cut up lots of paper into small      rectangles

- decorate the jar (if you want to)

- Fill the jar with papers full of all the    good things that happen. (You got  100% on that test). Anything!

- On new years eve open the jar and read all the amazing stuff that have    happened to you this year!


Don't worry much about makeup, just a little bit will do. Worry more about letting your inner beauty shine, and SMILE! 

When you feel ugly, or think you're not as pretty as someone else, think about all the uniqe things you have, that they may not. i.e hair, smile, eyes, dimples etc. 

Don't let boys thinking you're weird stop you from wearing what you want. 

Mirrors boost attitude! Look in the mirror and ignore your flaws. State different things that are gorgeous and unique about you (ie. the colour of your eyes, your nose, your smile, etc). 

Outer beauty is also important. But always remember to let people see your inner beauty. It is your inner beauty which is most important, think beautiful!

Remember, everyone is beautiful, yes, including you. Don't try to be anyone other than yourself. Enhance your own beauty. No one else has what you have. Be original, be the best you can be!

The Body Shop are joining me in Your'e Beautiful Week!
Grab a FREE Body Shop lipgloss worth £7! Iv'e teamed up with body shop to help you lovely readers celebrate Your'e Beautiful Week in style! Head in store during beauty week and receive a free lip gloss when you spend £5 or more. Just  give them the store code:38935! 
offer only exclusive to Spain.


You have sent in your'e problems and now I shall answer them!

Q.They said I'm Ugly! I'm always getting  Reply.Your'e feeling very self  
picked on because I'm ginger and have    conscious and caring too much about 
freckles. Plus I never used to think I was  what others think about you.You  
fat or had a problem with my body until   need to believe in yourself and think
recently. I hate what I see in the mirror.  "I am beautiful, no matter what 
I can't have fun anymore and I'm really    anyone says, I am beautiful inside 
embarrassed to go out! When I talk to      and out". If your'e not happy with 
people I'm scared they are looking at my  your'e weight, try combining a 
spots or judging me. Help!                      healthy diet with regular diet. Don't
                                                          feel pressured into looking a certain 

The Great Crissie Compliment 

This campaign gets readers to send compliments to each
other! I will receive a ton of compliments from you guys, and then i'll past them on to other readers who've taken part in the swap. So everyone that enters will receive a compliment from another reader!

Email a random compliment to remembering to include your name. Remember to type compliment swap in the subject of the email.

 Think about the stuff you'd love to hear, and pass it along! Make someone's day! Use your'e imagination and come up with a compliment that's really memorable. The best compliment will win our beauty competition!

The only information that we'll share with the other person who receives your compliment is you're first name. A prize will be shown each day. There will be 7 prizes!

The competition and compliment swap finishes on the 1st of september. 

1st prize.Win a theyr'e real benefit mascara with the Great Crissie Compliment Swap!

Thanks for reading don't forget to join in the fun! Send in your questions, give people compliments and join the crissie compliment swap!

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